Wholehearted Mothering
Individual Sessions

Custom workshops on topics like Manging the Voice of Anxiety, Trauma-Informed Training & Finding Calm in the Chaos for parents, community groups and workplaces.
Group offerings to connect you with others mothers and explore the ways your identity is shifting (matresence), forming a sense of solidarity, support and tools to support your everday mothering.
50 minute sessions offered both virtually and in-person for women, mothers (especially those new to mothering), and youth (aged 15+).
Step 3
Step 2
Step 1
We will start with a free 15 minute phone consultation. This will allow us to connect and to see if we are a good fit to work with one another. If we decide to work together, we'll schedule our first session.
Prior to your first session, you will fill in an intake form to gather more information about you and your story. During this first session, we will go over the information you provided, identify your hopes and goals for therapy and create a plan for how to get you there.
We will begin this important work together, meeting weekly or bi-weekly for the first 8 weeks. Once you start to feel better equipped to manage what brought you here, we'll plan to meet as often as you feel you need moving forward.